Friday, August 3, 2007

First time in Darkshore

In the morning, all 4 of us met up in Tel'Drassel and we finished off the quests. I was having a really hard time keeping up since they can fight, chat, trade, and equip all at once it seems. I don't think I was fast enough the entire time with shift + right click to get any loot. I know it's not that big of a deal, but it still makes me feel like a noob.

Basically, after we turned in quests, I leveled, and I sold some things from inventory. I typed "bye and /exit." I sat out on the front porch because I think my blood pressure was way above normal. I thought, at that point, this game may have to go for the sake of my health.

I saw Jizzabelle fishing yesterday so when I got the urge to play WoW while I was out by the RL river, I came home and hit up The Family and The Fishing Pole quest. I realized it takes awhile to catch all the fish you need, but it's a relaxing one. At sunset, it's a pretty sweet view too.

I'll have you all know that I found my Rogue trainer, a vendor, and I did Buzzbox 411 all by myself. I did die once though.. who knew I needed breath while I was fighting underwater threshers? I also used the Rogue Class Guide to figure out how to assign my talent points. I really would have had no clue what to do unless I read through this.

After completing quests at Darkshore, I got on a boat back to Darnassus.

Well, not my first try. I fell off of the side of the dock as I was turning to get onto the ship. Jizmo asked, "Why don't they have ladders for the dock?" Jizzlmanizzl replied, "Because then it wouldn't be funny when the noobs fall off."

Once a noob - always a noob.

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